Akash Kumar Choudhary secured figures of 3/59, helping Meghalaya hold its ground as Maharashtra reached 263/5 at the close of day two in their Ranji Trophy Elite Group A match. Starting the day at 274/8, Meghalaya managed to add just two runs before their innings concluded at 276 all out, with star performer Anirudh B scoring both runs before falling for a remarkable 142.
Maharashtra’s response got off to a rocky start, plummeting to 51/4 after losing three top-order batsmen for single-digit scores. However, the team rebounded with a resilient partnership of 142 runs between Harshal Kate, who ended the day unbeaten on 117, and AN Kazi, who contributed 66 runs.
Akash played a crucial role in breaking this partnership, trapping Kazi LBW to bring Meghalaya back into contention. By the day’s end, Maharashtra trailed by just 13 runs, showcasing their determination to recover. Alongside Akash’s outstanding bowling, Aryan Borah added 1/48 with his left-arm spin, and Akash also contributed to a run-out, making for a productive day in the field for Meghalaya.
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