Recently a Vande Bharat train passenger found a cockroach in the food served to him while travelling from Bhopal-Agra. “Please take strict action against the vendor and make sure this would not happen again,” the passenger’s relative actually wrote. In fact responding to the complaint, IRCTC said, “We apologize for the travel experience you had…..Suitable penalty has been imposed on concerned service provider.” This is actually very sad news and it is actually need to be corrected.
Actually Indian Railway is very big body and huge population is dependent on them for transportation. This type of incident is actually bad and people should take it strictly to get better service in future. If people find anything like this then they should inform about it immediately. As we know that Vande Bharat is very special train and people actually pay huge money to get a ticket for which they expect good service. In reality this mistake is need to be corrected and passenger should get good quality of food for better journey.
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